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[VANILLA-L:1238] Re:CYGWIN for win32 compiling server?

>The reason I'm chasing down this angle is that DarrylP's port is great,
but is very busy with the CPU. I was hoping to just short-cut the port
process by making Cygwin do all the work (no point in another #ifdef?).That
way we win32 cripples can get on to bigger & better things...

I changed the robots so that they call SleepEx instead of Sleep and it
seems to limit the CPU use OK.  I am finished with the INL robot port, at
least I hope so, and after fixing newstartd so that it gives the correct
net address I will start calling clue games on the server.

The NT glitch is still there but now that the INL robot is done I plan to
stomp on it real good.


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