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Magic Mapping

 Well, I've completed it so that it works nicely on color systems (It will
be even nicer as more objects have a foreground color other thn black.)

 As for black/white systems:  What makes things a little more 
difficult is the resolution each square for a magic map varies depending
on how large the magic map area is.

 For example, if it is a very large map, each square may be 4x4 or 6x6.
But if it is a small area, each square may be 24x24.  If the square is
small, dithering may be quite difficult.

 Various thoughts:  The magic mapping routine (as I have done it), does
know the difference between walls and floors and the other objects.

 So, if the object is a wall, put a solid block there.  If the object
is a floor, don't put anything, and if the object is an item, perhaps
a simple dither?  Still not as good as color, but better than before..

   Mark Wedel