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'Static binaries' or 'Guest accounts'

Well, my attempt at a Rocky and Bullwinkle style subject line seems to
have fallen flat.

Anyway, I'm attempting to set up a 'guest' account on an ftp server
(wu-ftpd).  Since guest accounts execute a 'chroot' to the root directory
of their ftp server, all utilities need to be present under the root of
the ftp server in order to function.  'ls' is being a real pain in the

I have essentially two options:  I can include all of the appropriate
libraries in the /lib directory under the ftp root, or I can include a
'statically linked' version of ls in the /bin directory.  I have run 'ldd
ls' and copied all of the necessary libraries to the /lib directory.
Everything (directory and libraries) have permissions of 111.  ls doesn't
work.  It actually functions appropriately if I execute '/usr/sbin/chroot
<ftp root> /bin/ls' but it doesn't work if I ftp in to the server.

So, becoming quite frustarated with that approach, I am curious about my
options in building a 'statically linked binary' version of ls.  Can
anyone tell me what is involved in this?  


"There is no spoon"
	-- The Matrix