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Fixed (sort of) -- Multiple NE2000 cards

I was helping Lawrence (a.k.a. Larry) with his stuff today..  Sort of
got it working, sort of not..

I found the secret incantation after a while ("modprobe ne
io=0xabc,0xdef" where abc and def are the io addresses of the two

If you all will take a moment to remember, Larry has 3 486 boxes plus a
Pentium system.  One of the 486s is intended to be an IP Masquerading

We were doing quite well, got the ethernet cards working and everything,
but we are now stuck on getting IP Masquerading working correctly...

We tried having an internal network of (mask,
but that didn't seem to work.  The University seems to have an internal
network of sorts that runs on, so we decided to change it to  Still no go..

Here's the predicament:  Right now, only two systems are 'alive' -- one
486 (with the two ethernet cards, with RedHat 5.1), and the Pentium
system (Running Win95.. Probably should have tried booting Linux and
using the tools on it..  oh well).  We set up IP Masquerading with the
following commands:

ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

The Win95 ( system can ping the 486 (, and
also the 486's other ethernet card.  The Win95 system cannot send
packets any farther than that..  The RedHat system can ping anything it
wants (well, within reason ;-) -- the Win95 system and anything out on
the 'wide world' of the Internet..

aw shoot...  I shouldn't have been using ping, right?  ICMP masquerading
probably isn't enabled (Ping packets probably aren't masqueraded in the
stock RedHat kernel)  bah!!  But, if ICMP packets can't be masqueraded,
could I even get the second ethernet card?  hmmm...

Regardless, I couldn't seem to get anything to go _through_ the RedHat
box..  However, maybe I just wasn't being patient..  Larry's POPMail
client wouldn't access his mailbox (AFAIK..)

Anyway, if anyone has thoughts/ideas/rants/etc, Larry and I would like
to know...
.------ ----- ---- ---- --- --- -- -- - -  -   -    -
|               Mike Hicks | Linux User Since: 1.2.13
: |
`              icq:6883760 | Current Kernel: 2.2.1