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Re: [TCLUG:7019] Speaking of the GNOME Demo...

They were using StarOffice.. you could see it shortly, but they closed out
of it fast and never mentioned what they had been using.

About the filesystem and such.. SGI is releasing XFS for Linux, could you
ask for more? But there are many things they need to improve on.

Nate Carlson
the infinite loop

On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Christopher McKinley wrote:
> Yeah, I felt the same way about it, from the standpoint of being a GNOME
> user anyway.  I think that RedHat really underplayed the other features
> that they had added, perhaps as a result of some of the criticism they
> have received, but the session management and other features sound good.  
> Frankly, if they want to push Linux on the desktop, I think they should
> have played up the apps more.  What were they using for the slideshow?
> StarOffice? Applixware? They did not mention it, and I think this is one
> of the main concerns in using Linux on the desktop.  Also, what about
> addressing some of the concerns which have popped up recently because of
> enterprise computing benchmarks (not Mindcraft)?  Things like journaling
> file systems, high availability, etc., these are what will make Linux
> successful in the long run in the server market, and there is no reason we
> can not have a strong presence in both markets, as they stated.
> Anyway, thats just my $0.02, rounded up.
> -Chris
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