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Re: [TCLUG:7043] Fwd: linux-aware vendors

>(PS. we purchased 90% of our products on-line.)

I am planning to put my own box together later this year when I decide I can
afford it. One thing to consider--when buying a CPU from a vendor you find on
Pricewatch or a similar site, make sure the warranty is longer than 15 days! You
may not get the lowest price, but it might be worth it to pay a little extra to
find a vendor who offers the real warranty--Intel CPUs from certified vendors
all have a 3 year warranty if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure what AMD's standard
warranty is (1 or 3 years?). If you ask me, 15 and 30 day warranties are a sign
of CPUs with suspect sources. Of course, your mileage may vary. 

I'd also add to that list of pricing sites. Doesn't
always find the lowest prices, but you get better product descriptions that
Pricewatch and users can submit their own reviews. 


Joel A. Koepp			School: University of Minnesota
77 Bedford St. SE, Apt. 2	Email:
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3553	Web:
Tel. 612.378.4812		Work:	Hennepin County Environ. Services