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Re: [TCLUG:12613] Reasons not to use Apache?

>I see...  I like them because it's so much easier to see what they're doing
>and to test them.  If you know the protocol, you don't need no stinkin'
>dedicated client software, just use telnet!
        there's a lot to be said for that.. 
        however, am I off-base in wondering if SSH should be used in this
case? as I understand it, it shouldn't be significantly more work; and if
someone calls and wonders about "hackers stealing their information on that
Internet!"; you can honestly tell them that the whole thing is encrypted
very securely. (throw in some nice buzzwords like "Military-grade security",
"reliable connection-based protocol", "all transmissions unbreakably

Carl Soderstrom
System Administrator	307 Brighton Ave. 
Minnesota DHIA		Buffalo, MN	(612) 682-1091