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Re: [TCLUG:19672] VALinux vs Compaq

Compaq?  Isn't that the company that used to put /used/ hardware in it's
"new" computers at your local Best Buy?

...and what about one else in the industry uses such
high-tech parts like T-10 torx screws, which you can only buy the T-10
driver at 2 places in Minnesota.  Gotta love that!

Make him administer a Proliant 1600 for a day.  If he still has his hands
after it explodes he'll want to march down to Compaq HQ and punch someone
in person.

Sorry, I have no hard evidence against Compaq...but I've never really
looked for any.  All I have is personal experience.

Adam Maloney
Systems Administrator
Sihope Communications

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Joseph Heil wrote:

> Guys,
>   I need some ammunition here.  I am in the process of evaluating VALinux and
> Compaq high end hardware for a high availability solution for my 
> companies website.  The CTO wants nothing to do with VALinux, says that
> financially are unstable and products unproved, as compared to Compaq.  
> I need some hard evidence that VALinux is a stable company and the
> have rock solid solutions.  I have heard through some admins, that 
> the Compaq Linux solution is not as solid as VALinux's.  Finally, I have
> two VALinux servers in use, now, as development and production webservers,
> so I know they work and work well.  He bias runs pretty deep, kinda like 
> the people who would die for MS.  So I would appreciate any leads anyone can
> give me on helping me educate my boss.  
> -- 
> Joseph A. Heil, Jr.         
> voice: 952-943-8400 ext 109          fax:   952-943-8300
> Key fingerprint = 95 FC 3A F4 8A 10 05 85  3F 53 01 86 AD DB DB 51
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