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Re: [TCLUG:3866] Fixed (sort of) -- Multiple NE2000 cards

> RedHat has a line in a file somewhere in /etc/sysconfig, I believe it's
> /etc/sysconfig/network, that has a line something like IPFORWARD=OFF by
> default, I changed that to ON and rebooted.  For some reson, simply
> restarting networking didn't work.  But after the reboot, IP Masquerading
> was working.  I have my ipfwadm commands in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local so they
> would run automatically when the system came up.

Ah.. That could be it.

Yes, we put the ipfwadm commands at the end of rc.local as well..
> There is also a checkbox for this in netcfg, which can be reached from the
> control-panel applet.  If you check the box, and click save, it will make
> the necessary change to the config file for you.

Heh..  Well X isn't supposed to be on that box (although a good chunk of
it still made it onto the system..), so we can't use netcfg or
control-panel..  Thank goodness for text-mode LinuxConf ;-)

.------ ----- ---- ---- --- --- -- -- - -  -   -    -
|               Mike Hicks | Linux User Since: 1.2.13
: |
`              icq:6883760 | Current Kernel: 2.2.1