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Re: [TCLUG:18474] Internet to your Sailboat (was: mp3 pirate)

> No but in his books, the submaries would always have to come within 20
> yards (or feet, I don't remember) of the surface to recieve these
> super-low frequency (ELF) radio waves

From what I know, ELF waves actually travel through the earth without
much effort. Their maximum bandwith is a whopping 3 baud. The message
sent is "Come to pariscope depth"

Kinda like telling someone with one phoneline to get off the net by aim,
icq, irc, etc. so you can call them. 

Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   |
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | "Reality is merely an illusion, 
21801 Industrial Blvd       |  albeit a very persistent one."
Rogers, MN  55374           |  -- Albert Einstein