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Re: [TCLUG:18474] Internet to your Sailboat (was: mp3 pirate)

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Luke Francl wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, andrew nemchenko wrote:
> > What the hell does this have to do with Tom Clancy????????
> > Does he design communications equipment or something?
> No but in his books, the submaries would always have to come within 20
> yards (or feet, I don't remember) of the surface to recieve these
> super-low frequency (ELF) radio waves, for messages from Washington or
> where ever. That's where I learned that radio waves don't travel very far
> under water.
I really am not trying to turn this into a comm. list, but I was under the
impression that ELF *could* be received underwater -- that's the whole
point of using something with such low bandwidth anyway.  They come up
when the want to stick an antenna out of the water and go faster.

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