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RE: voice recognition (was: [...] X10 offer)

Hey, I never got this mail !  I was just browsing through the archives and
noticed it.  Has this happened to anyone else ? It is possible that I may
have mistakenly deleted it.

BTW, is it just me (my netscape browser that is :) or are the archives all
black text on black bgcolor ?  This one is probably for Clay.  I had to set
my preference color to override page color settings ... just did a view
document source and found the problem.  See below.

<BODY bgcolor="#000000" text="#000000" ...>

Is everyone but me using lynx ;-) (or nobody checks the archives, i guess)


Reply to following mail is below.


Subject: voice recognition (was: [...] X10 offer) 
From: David Guy Brizan <> 
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 14:57:15 -0500 
References: <A0AE096498F6D1119F2A00104B62748C19A70B@epex> 

> [....]  But I
> haven't found a free speech recognition software (like viavoice) that
> on MS.  Is there any other speech recognition software for linux ?

Unni -- Do you mean "... that works on Linux"? If so, I agree. I think
it's cool that IBM is releasing their ViaVoice client for free, but I
don't know that I would use it if their training software isn't even
available for purchase.

Actually, three of my friends and I were talking about doing this. (One
is going blind, so he's interested in voice recognition and voice
synthesis software.) The problem, for me, is that if I put the effort
into this, I want it to be useful. I don't want IBM (or whichever large
company with a better reputation than a nerd working in his living room
while watching reruns of "Dharma and Greg") to release their full
product for free just to lure people away from my application-to-be.

(Is this a larger problem? Are we less willing to use mySQL since Oracle
released its database for free?) What do you folks think? Should I give
this a go anyway? If I do.... Does anyone know the procedure for
declaring my intention, so that I can get help if I need to? (Should I
never end a question with a preposition?) Should I speak with someone?
Who? Should I get sponsorship? From whom? Anyone want to help?

Actually I meant MS.  But i'm speaking from a hobbyist point of view.  I
agree that freebies come with no commitments and therefore are inherently
unreliable for the real user.

<Oh Oh Philosophy Mode = ON>
But then again.  There is core technology and there are applications.  IMHO
core tech should not be hoarded for profit motive.  Isn't that what FSF &
"Open Source" is all about ?  It does sound like socialism (eech, now i've
done it !), but it isn't.  Isn't it better to allow free exchange of ideas
and let the market automatically decide whats best ?  Of course there is
also a need for standards committees to step in and freeze some of these
technologies so that businesses can then launch applications off them.
There is probably enough money to be made off the applications that use
these core technologies.  Let the hobbyists build and use the free products
and businesses build and customers buy the commercial products.  Does sound
oversimplified, but what's wrong with this model ?
<Philosophy Mode = OFF>

My $0.03.
